S2E7 - Joshua G: Breaking & Entering

Joshua G. was raised in Annapolis, Maryland and, as a little closeted gay boy, he quickly chose theater as an escape and was unapologetic about his obsession with Madonna and The Cure. He survived those lean years by secretly stealing gay porn from his friend’s dad’s gay porn stash.

It wasn’t until college that he first had sex and he hasn’t looked back. After moving to San Francisco in the mid 90s, Joshua began to make a name for himself as a drag performer and eventually had to “come out” all over again when it came to hooking up and revealing his drag identity. Luckily, his drag persona wasn’t as much of a “boner killer” as he assume it would be.

As a member of queer Generation X, Joshua has a unique perspective as the generation between Millennials and older gays who saw the worst of the AIDS epidemic. One plus side to middle age: a surprising amount of attention from 20 somethings who want to learn some skillz in the bedroom.

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